Sunday, October 31, 2010

meeting #2

 meeting #2 will be held 
Sunday November 7
 from 1- 4pm  @ 264 Leura Mall, Leura
we will start with lunch at [bring a plate] 1pm and the meeting will start at 2

Thursday, October 28, 2010

BM Coho Brochure

the Introduction to Cohousing & the Australian Context is now availiable


In the contemporary climate of housing affordability, social isolation and environmental concerns, the cohousing model seems to address all these issues and offers a housing alternative. Additionally, the existing literature suggests that residents living in cohousing communities improve their quality of life and well-being. However, the cohousing model is slow to develop as an alternative housing option in Australia. There are many factors contributing to cohousing remaining on the fringe of the culture of housing in Australia. The first aim of this paper is to present the reasons why, to date, only three cohousing communities have been established in Australia. The second aim is to integrate the existing literature on cohousing and incorporate input from leading figures in the cohousing field in Australia. My hope is that this review will become an introductory text for people with interest in the cohousing concept and that it will be used as a stepping stone for their journey into cohousing.

If you want to receive a copy send us an email to or

Blue Mountains Cohousing 1st Meeting

We had a great meeting last Sunday with diverse and like minded people, so thanks to Rachel, Cameron, Elly who travelled from Sydney and Rachel for travelling all the way from Mudgee, to Laurie, Louise, Georgia and Susan, who were able to attend  the 1st meeting.  Even the kids had great time and we were surprised that we didn’t need to sitter them.

There are 2 groups emerging from our first meeting, an intergenerational one, and a group which aims at creating a spiritual cohousing community for over 55 [senior cohousing].  more details in the future.
Our next meeting will be held Sunday November 7
 from 1- 4pm  @ 264 Leura Mall, Leura
we will start with lunch at [bring a plate] 1pm and the meeting will start at 2

the Blue Mountains Cohousing Initiative

The first Blue Mountains Cohousing meeting will be held on

Sunday Oct 17 _ 10am  @  264 the mall Leura

This is an introduction meeting  still open to all, where the group interests and direction is being set. At this stage usually individuals will decide if they want to proceed, the large group may divide in to other groups based on individuals interests, values, location etc... and these groups will set off independently while continuing supporting each other with resources and others....

to confirm your attendance send an email to or
Gilo & Orit
0424 490 554 | 0430 083 732

The Blue Mountains Cohousing Kicks Off

Fantastic turn out for our Blue Mountains Initiative launch talk.
very diverse, nice and interesting people came to listen to our first talk
@ the Mid-Mountains Community Centre in Lawson.
we want to thank you for coming and sharing with us some of
your thoughts and we are very exited and optimistic about the 
future prospects of this initiative.

We are  looking forward for further collaboration with local groups such as cittaslow, PermacultureBM, TransitioningBM and others.

We would also like to thank Karen Ives Of BBMC, Mic and the
team @ MMCC and Paul of Cittaslow.

Gilo & Orit

Sep 25, Introduction to Cohousing Talk @ the Blue Mountains