Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sociocracy workshop: with Gina Price

Dear Friends - you might like to attend this! Please forward if you think appropriate.  We feel that this has great potential for community and non profit organisations.

Sociocracy workshop:  with Gina Price
Friday 28th October 7-9pm (intro) and
Saturday 29th October 9am to 5pm

Sociocracy is a decision-making and governance method, based on recent discoveries in systems theory, that allows an organisation to manage itself efficiently, while incorporating the wisdom of every member.
This enables groups to be dynamic, rejuvenating, and foster egalitarian relationships. It is of benefit to businesses, educational bodies, community groups and non-profit organisations. Sociocracy invites participation, inspires leadership and allows
an organisation to flourish in a changing environment. Ultimately it can throw light on today’s big issues, whether it be climate change, water management or the energy crisis.

Trainer:  Gina Price is a certified trainer in Sociocracy.
Gina is based in Western Australia and we are fortunate to have the opportunity (at lower than usual costs) on the dates below.   Places are limited and bookings are essential!

Location:  Mid Mountains Community Centre, New Street, Lawson. Lawson is 90km from Sydney, with accommodation is available at “The Blue Mountains Hotel”. Venue has wheelchair access and car parking, and is a 5-minute walk from Lawson railway station.

Childcare:  Mobile Minders childcare is available on-site – bookings essential by Tuesday 25 October.

  • Friday 28 October:  Evening Workshop and BBQ   6pm start   $25/head   Please advise if you are vegetarian.
  • Saturday 29 October:  All-day workshop   9am-5pm   $80-$120/head
  • Friday 28 October +   Combined booking  $90-$130/head
  • Saturday 29 October:  Book    for    both    workshops    and    save!
  •   Sliding scale dependent upon income –    discuss with organiser below if you wish to volunteer in return for lower fee

For bookings and additional information, contact Jasmine Payget: Mobile:  0406 045 044   Email:

Hosted by Blue Mountains Cohousing Group
For more information contact Gilo on 0424 490 554 or visit
Auspiced by Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sketch Your Vision

In our pursuit for a common vision for our future cohousing neighbourhood we talk and discuss theoretically what we want our life to look like in such community, we think about our homes our wider neighbourhood and how we envision them to be. but since its mostly theoretical it's hard for many of us to comprehend the physical scale of both our homes and community.

This vision realisation exercise that I did to the group is the first of many, which its main purpose is to ground the group in thinking first about their individual homes by sketching it, and we do the same for the community,we then analyse the sketches.

This process helps raise questions about our wants and needs, how these correlates with our vision. it opens our eyes to the various possibilities and better understanding of what cohousing is. this exercise will also prepare the group for future design workshop if we hopefully reach to the stage where we have a land to build on



Monday, March 21, 2011

Next Meeting

our next meeting


27 March

264 Leura Mall, Leura

‘Taste of Sociocracy’ Presentation

A full house of diverse and interesting people joined us for our ‘Taste of Sociocracy’ Presentation also known as Dynamic Governance.
Lovely Lyndall gave us an insight of Dynamic Governance, what it means and how it works, and it sure did left us a taste for more.

Blue Mountains Cohusing Satll

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cohousing Stall

We are going to have a stall at the Blue Mountains Food-Co-Op Fair
with lots of information
see you there

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

looking at opptional land

as part of our process of the process we've looked at a beautiful site in Blackheath which we think has much potential for a collaborative neighbourhood of about 15 dwellings.

the only thing we need now is few more members and some equity to be able to pursuit this or similar site :}

Saturday, February 19, 2011

‘Taste of Sociocracy’ Workshop

a 2-3 hour ‘Taste of Sociocracy’ presentation  also called Dynamic Governance, by Lyndall Parris [Sydney Coastal Ecovillage]. Sociocracy assists in promoting more inclusiveness, transparency accountability and creativity. aim of the workshop is to assess its relevance and suitability as a form of governance.
Wednesday March 16
Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre, Blue Mountains  
8 Station Street

Public  $15
Food-Co-Op , Transitioning & Cohousing Members $10 

Discover a decision-making and governance method that allows an organisation to manage itself  efficiently while incorporating the wisdom of every member. Sociocracy utilises four principles derived from systems theory which guide groups of people to self-organise. The self-organised system that results is dynamic, rejuvenating and provides a framework for: 

. honouring the viewpoint of every member
. promoting egalitarian relationships
. encouraging active leadership, and
. developing individual and group discipline

 RSVP essential 
[limited space]  Contact Gilo  at

Lyndall will run another workshop in Sydney, details soon


Friday, February 11, 2011

next meeting will be held 

Sunday February 20 

14:00 - 17:00


4 Terrymont Rd. [off Railway Pde]


meeting will start at 14:30 
the meetings are still open for new members.
meetings will run every 3rd weekend of the month
usually between 2-5pm

Friday, January 28, 2011

Becoming a Member

We have two types of memberships, active and associate.

Active Member-
§  Take an active part in meetings and research
§   Pay the annual fee.
§  Have the right to raise agendas, vote or veto decisions.

Associate Member
§  have access to our Wiki data base,
§  Get regular notifications via emails about our activities.
§  Can join the meetings when at any time but have no voting rights.
§  Pay reduced  membership fee, and 30% workshops discount.
§  Mailing List- Quarterly updates about our progress, workshops notification , 10% workshops discounts .

        New members will be required to :
o Read the “Introduction to cohousing and the Australian context” text to get familiar with the cohousing concept.
o Read all the previous meetings minutes and agenda documents.
o Attend 2 working meeting.
o Complete Members priority survey
o Pay the annual fee.

-                Membership fees:   
§  Active Member $50 annually + share of workshop and admin costs.
§  Associate Member- $15 annually + 30% discount for workshops.