Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sketch Your Vision

In our pursuit for a common vision for our future cohousing neighbourhood we talk and discuss theoretically what we want our life to look like in such community, we think about our homes our wider neighbourhood and how we envision them to be. but since its mostly theoretical it's hard for many of us to comprehend the physical scale of both our homes and community.

This vision realisation exercise that I did to the group is the first of many, which its main purpose is to ground the group in thinking first about their individual homes by sketching it, and we do the same for the community,we then analyse the sketches.

This process helps raise questions about our wants and needs, how these correlates with our vision. it opens our eyes to the various possibilities and better understanding of what cohousing is. this exercise will also prepare the group for future design workshop if we hopefully reach to the stage where we have a land to build on



Monday, March 21, 2011

Next Meeting

our next meeting


27 March

264 Leura Mall, Leura

‘Taste of Sociocracy’ Presentation

A full house of diverse and interesting people joined us for our ‘Taste of Sociocracy’ Presentation also known as Dynamic Governance.
Lovely Lyndall gave us an insight of Dynamic Governance, what it means and how it works, and it sure did left us a taste for more.

Blue Mountains Cohusing Satll